To preserve the dignity of Historic Union Cemetery we ask your cooperation with the following rules:
1. Fresh cut flowers and artificial flowers may be placed on graves or niches at any time of the year.
When flowers start to fade, discolor, or deteriorate, cemetery personnel will remove and dispose of them. In addition, to facilitate cleaning and maintenance of the burial sections, we will remove and dispose of all items placed on gravesites monthly near the 15th of each month.
2. Temporary metal flower containers (vases) are permitted. However, no breakable containers such as fruit jars, bottles, or glass may be used for flowers. In addition, rocks inside flower containers are not allowed.
3. Statues, trinkets, candles, ignitable fire items, rocks, breakable objects of any nature, balloons, pinwheels, stuffed animals, fences, borders, or any other type of decorative items other than the allowed floral items or flags, are not permitted at any time. Decorative items are NOT ALLOWED except as specified in
items 4 and 5.
4. Small flags mounted on wooden sticks are allowed.
5. Holiday decorations, ornaments, and potted plants will be permitted on graves only during the period ten’ (10) days before and ten (10) days after a holiday.
6. Floral items and other types of decorations will not be secured to headstones or niche markers.
7. Historic Union Cemetery assumes no responsibility for items left on gravesites. Due to the open nature of the grounds, we cannot guarantee against theft, vandalism, or the effects of nature.
8. Private planting of any kind is hot permitted.
9. Historic Union Cemetery will have the right to remove and not replace existing trees, shrubs, other plantings that, through growth, infringe on the lot owner’s property, become unsightly, diseased, or damaged by accident or weather, or have become a hazard to the public.
10. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs allowed on cemetery grounds, Food preparation, cooking, grilling or barbeques are not allowed. No canopies or shade structures are allowed, other than those provided by the cemetery for services. No loud music or amplified sounds.
11. Please be respectful of other visitors and their privacy. Keep vehicles off grass. Animals or pets are not allowed. It is unlawful to be on cemetery property after closing hours.